British luxury car manufacturer Rolls-Royce has launched the NFT collection associated with six new Phantom series cars, according to Ledger Insights. The company collaborated with artist Sacha Jafri for this venture: the interior of each car contains unique hand-painted artwork by the artist, representing one of six elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Air and Human.
The Six Elements project launches in 2020 and the car was unveiled last month. the NFT is sold with the car and the owner can sell the NFT independently of the car. royalties raised through trading the NFT will be kept in a digital wallet and used to raise money for charity. In its latest announcement in December 2022, the company said it had exceeded its goal of raising more than $1 million for charitable purposes.
Rolls-Royce says that the NFT can be sold if the owner wishes and that a royalty will be taken from each subsequent transaction of the NFT and paid into the owner’s wallet, with the funds going to charity in the future, and that the NFT can be viewed using a custom QR code embedded in the glove compartment of the car.