On December 19, Elon Musk launched a Twitter poll on “whether he should resign as head of Twitter”, and the results showed a total of more than 17.5 million votes, with 57.5% in favor. It is reported that Elon Musk previously launched the vote when he said he would abide by the results of the vote, and is now actively looking for a new CEO for Twitter. Once a successor is found, he will resign as CEO of Twitter, and he will manage the software and server team.
In response to this phenomenon, the former world’s richest man, Bill Gates, said that the decision-making style of Twitter (Twitter) is increasing digital polarization since the acquisition by Elon Musk. Gates noted that Twitter’s chaotic situation is not the result of objective decisions made by a broad group, but rather a series of empirical, intuitive decision-making activities.
Musk, since completing his acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion on Oct. 27, has been making all sorts of massive moves, starting Nov. 4, when the company was cut from about 7,500 full-time employees to just 2,300. Many people call it the “Twitter Thanos”.